Monday, May 08, 2006

SLS test block (Shetland Lace Shawl)

So far, so good. The 'lengthened' diagonal edge lays flat. Will see if it stays flat after relaxing a few days without being stretched to the max. Starched with potato starch.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sending me your blog link. I haven't been able to identify anyone else on the net working on this project. I have finished the first border and edging and am finishing the first repeat of the center. You were probably smart to block out the border before proceeding. I am just proceeding on faith at this point.

    I am using Zephyr and size 4 needles. I know that the shawl will end up being quite a bit larger although I don't know how the larger yarn will affect the overall appearance of my shawl.

    Your shawl looks beautiful. I will try to get a picture of my progress up in the near future and will check back on your progress soon. It's great to see how someone else is coming along.
