Saturday, March 29, 2008

Federdolde Finished

194 Rnds, 32" US 000/1.5 mm Addi circulars

30" finished size, 24" before blocking

70/2 linen thread by Valley Yarns/Fibers, from Webs

Knitted Lace Designs of the Modern Mode Book 1, Kazuko Ichida, (blue book), adapted pattern #21 into a square version.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Federdolde WIP setback

- currently, on round 153 of 194.

[1st photo] at round 173 and

[2nd photo] frogged back to round 141.

- last Friday I decided to frog back 30+ rounds, (over 20.000 sts!) as the corners were too narrow, not quite 2 full rpts of corner leaves; no lifeline - took 1 1/2 hours to pick up sts again, still, not too bad with this thread-needle combination.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Federdolde - precursor to Lyra? or vice versa

- other knitters' photos;
(eta: Mar 17) French forum
(eta Jan 9) some photos from this book can be seen on oceanknitter's blog, see July 08, 07

- Book 1 has the octagonal version of this pattern, square version might be in Bk 2?
(Edit Jan 9: there's also a smaller round version of this design, #3, pg 4)
- more info on the books in the posting here:, scroll half way down to NEW in the shop

- the chart in Book 1 is for an octagonal version, however I am going to try and make a square version by repeating the leaves pattern in the corners - don't know if this will work or not.

- I have another variation of this pattern, as well, Burda Special Strickspitze E418 23, which has 4 repeats of the motif, but a different filler stitch. Burda gives credit to Niebling in this issue, but does not name the pattern, just Viereckdecke, (square doily,)
(eta: the name for this pattern is Hannelore:) Flickr/ Ravelry ArsUna.

- US 000, 1.5 mm Addi Turbo circulars
- Dec 12 - swatching
- Dec 17 - Louet Euroflax Venice, frogged this/1st attempt, (from - The Beehive Yarn & Needlecraft in Calgary, Alberta.) The 1 ply Euroflax has thick and thin spots; splits occasionally; softer and more difficult for me to knit with than crisp, tightly twisted crochet cotton.
- Jan 05,'08; frogged the center of Federdolde
- Restarted Mar 08 using a thinner, plied linen thread, (both the 1 ply and 2 ply twist so I give the thread a 'twirl' every so often- maybe every 30 or 40 sts.) The 70/2 is spun so tightly I can't even see that it's plied - much easier to knit with than the 14/1.