Saturday, August 30, 2008

Unst Lace Shawl revisited & Quest Over

- almost done, the edging is nearing the last side
- the next one, (ha!) will be half the size, a triangular version with the center knit on point
- started this again after the Paisley Long Shawl, noticed that my tension is looser, won't be frogging back the 3 rpts of edging with looser tension
- from the book Heirloom Knitting, except for the insertion it's from Barbara Walker's 2nd Treasury

The quest for an old pattern is over. I've been looking for a pattern like Anne Bruvold's Rectangular Silk Shawl .
I found the pattern in this Spitzenstricken Heft 3 and bought it online from Heidi. What a wonderful surprise, she threw in another collection of old patterns, (she does that, in the past she's sent me other really old stuff, gratis.)
Thanks, Heidi. You rock!

The Orella publication, (blue cover,) has 39 patterns/variations including the following pattern sheets, Spitzenstricken Blätter; 11, 24A-B, 25A-B, 45A-B 53B, 58A & 58B, 68A-B, 69A-B, 78A, 79A-C, 90D, 93, 94E-H, 95A-D … and ones similar to 13E,F & M.

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