Friday, October 31, 2008


- changing the edging so it matches Full Moon

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yoko Suzuki's Anemones

- from Decorative Crochet 31, Jan 1993, pattern #14

Instead of sewing all the elements to each other I am trying to crochet them together as I go and minimize the sewing.

I treat the fiddly small leaves, C and D, like picots and make them as I come to them, thereby minimizing ends to weave in as well as omitting the sewing part. At the same time, I can sl st the other end of the leaf to a flower motif. Sometimes a piece gets attached upside-down then I need to re-do it, otherwise it seems to be working fine.

I have pinned the piece to a pillow to facilitate joining pieces in the right place and avoid problems with twisting. A better solution is probably to pin the piece to something pliable like a piece of plain coloured fabric or pillow case?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yoko Suzuki's design, 'Anemones'

... an ah-ha moment, the underlined "+" symbol means to make a sc through the back loop only.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Herbert Niebling's, 'Steinrose'

Row 130, 12% of 368 rows done

Friday, October 03, 2008

Pine Cone Doily Finished

- unblocked, almost 10"

- blocked, 13 1/2"

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pine Cone Doily WIP

Pine Cone is an old Coats & Clark pattern from 1953, Doilies - in the Modern Manner.